Heaven is a place on Earth!
Heaven on Earth is an energetic state of being, that births into the world of form, through your embodiment. It’s the realization of a perfect state of Oneness within.
Embody your True Self with Patchouli
Patchouli calls for the ancient mystic to rise, and is all about embodiment of the true self. She calls you to see you greatness, embrace the fullness of your expression, and live out your most authentic version!
Reclaim your Self-Worth with Bergamot
Bergamot essential oil boost your confidence and your self-worth. It brings you joy, strength and courage. It has a cleansing effect on limiting belief system. As you step forward into growth, keep Bergamot close!
The Magic of Myrrh
Myrrh is a sacred oil of Ancient Egypt once valued more than gold. It has been used for thousands of years due to its amazing properties.
Sacred Devotion
When all else is silent..
..you can hear the whispers of the heart,
and the deepest calling of your soul.
Our Divine Essence
Perhaps we came here to have the experience of pure, unconditional love, while in human form. Perhaps everything is about love, and the journey that we are on, is the journey home....to love.
How to Break the Pattern of Self-Abandonment
Are you often feeling left behind or rejected by other people?
Do you keep finding yourself in situations of abandonment?
Does these patterns somehow seem to repeat themselves?
Then keep reading….✨
Awaken the Sensual Goddess with Jasmine
Awaken the Sensual Goddess with Jasmine Essential Oil
The Myrrhophore: Wisdom of The Temple Priestess
Within the Temples of Ancient Egypt existed a sacred tradition. This was the tradition of the Myrrhophores; women who used sacred oils for healing.
Deep Healing with The Mother
Everything is going to be ok. You are safe and held, more than you could possibly imagine.
True Devotion
Woman, You are the Holy Grail. The Cup of Life. The Source of all Nourishment. You are the sweetest Nectar of Love that heal and make whole. Within your Grace, the simple beauty of the Divine is known.
The Return of The Magdalenes
Magdalene sisters are awakening, remembering and finding their way back to each other. Many Magdalenes have past incarnations in lands such as Avalon, Lemuria, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt. They have returned to support the Heaven on Earth to rise once more. They are paving the path into the new Golden Age.