A Letter to the Highly Sensitive
Dear one,
I know this world can seem scary and overwhelming sometimes. I get the longing for "home" without even knowing where that is. I understand the sneaky anxiety, the sense of not really feeling safe or being a little "out of place."
I was born a highly sensitive and felt things deeply, but I was ashamed of it and tried to push it away. It felt more like a burden than anything else, and often times I wished I was different.
It felt like a weakness.
Why couldn't I just be like the others?
Today, I have build my entire life and business around my so-called weakness!
I thrive as a highly sensitive knowing that I chose to be here and have everything within me to cultivate a beautiful, abundant and harmonious Earth-life.
My biggest wish is for you to experience the same.
You didn't come here to struggle, feel lost and afraid. You came here to thrive, and live out your most glorious life, feeling free, connected, safe and alive!
You have unique gifts to share with the world. But sometimes, these sacred gifts and talents are tucked away. Sometimes, they are even perceived as a weakness.
As a highly sensitive without any tools and awareness on how to handle it, I felt lost most of my early years. I didn't feel like I fitted in. I felt different but I just didn't know how to return to me and unleash my magic that I knew was there.
I could feel I was here "for something more", I just didn't know how to get there!
I rejected the callings of my soul and found myself in a depression at a young age. I hid the parts of me longing to be seen. I denied myself living the life I wanted to live. I had so many dreams, but kept pushing them way. I made choices based on what would be accepted, approved and liked - not based on my own inner guidance. The more I did this, the further I drifted away from myself.
For many years I lived disconnected. I constantly abandoned myself, my desires and my needs in order to please others and feel accepted. I rejected my sacred feminine and lived more in my masculine, which left me feeling so exhausted.
Over-giving, over-doing, trying to prove something, trying to work like men do, worrying what other people would think of me, not honoring my cycle, pushing forward instead of leaning in, not listening to my inner wisdom etc.
I moved in the opposite direction than that of my soul. I was ashamed of the ‘real me’, and I constantly tried to fit in. I would seek distractions and ways to cover up the pain of living a life that wasn’t my own.
I struggled with anxiety and constant worry, low self-esteem and I had massive self-worth issues. Self-love was foreign to me for such a long time. I rejected myself on a daily basis and put everyone else's needs before my own.
I was tired, for a really, really long time.
It was painful to live this way. I also got pretty good at pretending to be fine, more so convincing myself that I was happy. One day though, the dream of living free was finally bigger than the fear of being me.
That is when my life truly began.. I finally let my heart lead the way.
For the first time in my life, I felt happy. You know, the deep happiness from within that only comes from living true to yourself.
The very thing that I perceived to be my weakness; my sensitivity and ‘feeling too much’, was my strength and superpower. It shaped my unique expression and it truly was the greatest gift. Once I began to nurture it, I could share my medicine with the world.
It felt like coming home, and it was the most amazing experience!
Today, I have build my entire business around my so-called weakness and I live the life that is mine, that from my soul.
It turned out that my sensitivity made me an excellent healer and guide. It allowed me to easily pick up on subtle information within other peoples energy field and translate it in a way that made sense for them. I was very intuitive and could sense my way to sacred knowledge - for myself and others.
I realised that I loved writing, and had a gift for it! I was naturally very creative and loved expressing this. It would light me up in all the ways.
I discovered that I had a gift of easily communicating with higher dimensional realms and it turned out this was a very important part of my work here on planet Earth; to bridge the gap between the dimensions and be a clear channel for Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings, Star Beings and other Spirit Guides.
I realised that I LOVED working with plants, herbs and essential oils! When I was first introduced to essential oils, it activated a "remembering" within me of working with plants and herbs for healing and medical care. The essential oils changed my life (this kind of plant medicine is soo incredible for highly sensitives) and incorporating essential oils into my life and work was the most wonderful, and natural thing.
The essential oils supported me on my path of returning home to me in ways that is beyond what I can ever explain and articulate with words…
It is such a DEEP passion of mine to teach others how to use essential oils, guide them home to Mother Nature - and themselves, and in this way, help awaken their own remembering (working with plants, herbs and oils is ancient wisdom that we all carry within)
When I realised I was a Light Being in human form, and then began to connect more with my Soul, so many doors opened for me. I understood why life had been so challenging for me, why I didn't feel that I belonged here, why I struggled to fit in and felt overwhelmed by everything. As I answered the calling within, so many ancient memories came forth, and I remembered more and more why I was here at this time.
So many of my beautiful soul gifts and talents came to life, and it was an incredible journey!
Step by step, I came home to ME! Instead of trying to be something other that myself and "fit in", I allowed myself to be even MORE of who I was. Life got better, and better - and better! Opportunities came my way. Doors opened. I felt confident. I felt free.
I have created a life that I love, that I do not need to escape from. I truly enjoy being HERE, in this body, on this Earth and sharing all that I came here to share.
My deepest wish is for you to experience the same. There is not a better feeling that living the life that is YOURS, which feels like home and freedom all at the same time!
Learning the art of calling back your energy, and strengthening your energy field, is an important step on your way to living empowered and free. This is really about your inner love activation, and coming into the knowing of who you really are.
If you've been feeling a little anxious, or not quite in control of your gift to feel deeply, it may be that you are especially sensitive to the energies around you. This doesn't have to be a burden! It is actually quite the incredible thing, you just need awareness, tools and practices.
You can check out The Empowered Empath for more on this.
Over time, you will avoid picking up other people's stuff, getting caught in other people's drama, or feel like a victim to the energies around you— and instead feel strong in your light, empowered and happy.
When supporting yourself as a highly sensitive, it is important to know what depletes you, and what makes you feel safe and happy. Below is a list of things that could negatively affect highly sensitives, and may create imbalance, anxiety and fear:
Lack of boundaries
Not enough alone time
Spending time in crowded areas
For some this could also be anxiety triggers:
Loud noises
Not getting enough fresh air
Feeling rushed
Strong smells or synthetic perfumes
Screaming and arguing
Watching scary movies
Watching too much TV and listening to loud music
Please know that your sensitivity is your superpower, but like any superpower it has to be nourished, supported and be taken care of. Ask yourself what your medicine is. What you need the most. Then give yourself this.
My medicine is solitude. When I started giving myself this, so many things changed for me, in such beautiful ways.
By giving yourself your medicine, you will turn all that you are into medicine for the world.
Below you’ll find some journaling prompts to help you identify your superpower (that perhaps you have perceived as a weakness) and how you can best nurture it (your medicine)
Have you ever felt ashamed of who you are/tried to hide parts of you?
Did you ever try to fit in?
Did you ever just follow what other people did, not honoring your own inner voice?
Did you ever make certain decisions that you felt was not right for you?
What is right for you?
What did you dream of as a child?
What were your skills and talents?
What did you love to do?
What are your hobbies?
What do you long to experience?
What is your dream life?
What do you see yourself doing in this life?
What are you naturally good at?
When do you feel most at home?
What makes you feel alive?
What makes you feel safe?
What do you think is your most important medicine?
When you daydream… where do you go?
If time and money weren’t an issue, what would you do?
What feels scary, yet at the same time exciting and there is this sense of belonging to it?