Deep Healing with The Mother
The question is not if she will hold you, but if you are willing to be held……
Everything is going to be ok. You are safe and held, more than you could possibly imagine.
Allow all your worry, fear and doubt to melt away. Allow The Great Mother to hold you….
Soften into Her embrace…
…and let go.
Everything is going to work out, in ways even better than you could have imagined.
Feel this truth, and let your entire being soften, for all is taken care of…
…and everything will be ok.
You don't have to do it all on your own, this life. You don't have to rely on your own strength only, and try to hold things together. If it needs to fall apart, let it, and trust that life is re-directing you. There is always an ebb and flow, a rise and fall and a change of season.
Let yourself be one with this sacred flow.
It's simply not possible to trust and control at the same time. The Great Mother will ask you to surrender again and again. To trust and let Her guide you.
Notice if you are still trying to control and if you hold any fear that you are not looked after. Notice where in your body you feel that you are not supported…that you have been forgotten…that you are failing…that it all has to be a struggle.
Breathe into the tension and let it melt away.
Notice the peace wanting to hold you.
Surrender, dear one. Return to the softness within your own heart.
Trust, beloved…
…You are going somewhere sacred.
For every step you take…
…She is with you.
It can be hard to let go of control, especially if all you know is to hold on, to direct and to make things happen according to your own will. But freedom is found by letting go and allowing. If you are too set on how things are supposed to be, you are unable to see the divinely guided path that is yours to take.
The Mother isn't able to hold you, simply because you are not willing to be held.
The art of surrender is one of the most important practices we can ever learn. Allowing life to guide us, have faith in this great mystery and and trust in it. Fully. 100%. Not half-way and with a maybe. But with our entire being. Letting go completely, knowing that we are held.
We move through many initiations that are bringing us closer to who we are, who we came here to be and what we came here to do.
We often tend to label things as good or bad, but in truth they are all experiences that are here to support our spiritual growth. Life will not always be easy, but through any difficulties we step deeper into the Light.
Yes, there may be some hardship, but there will also be many breakthroughs and celebrations, and everything is guiding us deeper into the vibration of love, and helping us sustain it.
Whatever challenge or hardship you face is an opportunity to grow in your inner light, and to live out the truth that love does conquer all. Nothing is more powerful than love, and it will always win.
Believe in this, and let yourself rise in a light that shines brighter than ever before.
While on your own path of healing and growth, you will inspire many people to live with less fear and more love, simply by being who you are, shining your light and living your authentic truth.
When you allow yourself to fall completely into the arms of The Mother, get in sync with the flow of life, live in rhythm with the sacred song, have an absolute faith in The Universe (and get yourself out of the way) you shift from operating from your own personal will alone and find yourself able to surrender to the greater Universal will.
Now your soul-life can truly unfold. This is so very exciting!
You have a unique soul mission and the more you surrender, the more this can rise from within.
Life will always be a great mystery and we are always learning, but even as we are learning and growing, there is much JOY to experience. Underneath the unfolding journey there is a sense of great play and such an innocent, free love. The more you allow yourself to be one with this, the more pleasant this journey will be.
So remember to play, enjoy life's sweet little moments and not take it all too seriously. This is a wonderful journey of self-discovery and awakening, and we might as well have some fun while we're at it.
Through it all, The Great Mother is always with you.
A Prayer to The Mother
I surrender to
The Mother.
I allow her grace
to be felt as mine
I find peace in her presence
I heal with her Love
I trust in her guidance
and beautiful song
I am healing
I am coming home