You are good enough just as you are—right now!
You are good enough just as you are, right now in this moment.
Imbolc: The Awakening of New Life
On February 1st the Wheel of the Year turns and we welcome Imbolc, a seasonal festival that celebrates the very first stirrings of new life, and the subtle whispers of spring.
The Order of The Blue Rose
The Order of The Blue Rose is an ancient Lineage of Light that is currently awakening on planet Earth in powerful ways.
Sisterhood of The Rose
The Sisterhood of the Rose's primary mission is to transmit Goddess Energy to Earth and establish the presence of The Goddess in support of planetary peace, love, joy and harmony.
New Year Thoughts
Welcoming a new calendar year while still deeply honoring the season that we are in
Winter Solstice
Embrace the magic of Winter Solstice and the deep medicine of the Winter Season.
The Queen of Sheba
The Queen of Sheba was a remarkable, powerful woman of immense beauty, intelligence, and wealth. She ruled the land of Sheba many thousand years ago, in the 10th century BC, in what is believed to now be Ethiopia.
How You’ve Been Disconnected from Your Goddess Power
Let’s reclaim our Divine Feminine Power, Restore the Queen Code and Celebrate the Magic of Womanhood!
You have a choice…
You have a choice.
You have free will.
In any moment you can chose to go into the Light and fully unite with Spirit.
It's not complicated. It's very simple.
Turning pain into purpose
For each time your heart bled, the pain was unbearable and you thought you'd never feel anything else than this pain, you came one step closer to you.
Joyfully Receive with Osmanthus
Are you ready to live your magic? This is what Osmanthus will bring about, so get ready to truly embrace the sacred wonders of this life and discover just how magical it really is....
My story :: Part I
May my story inspire and support you on your own journey of answering your highest calling, sharing your unique gifts and creating a life you love.
Loving your Human Self
You are a brilliant being of Light, and you are also human. Don't deny this aspect of you. Choose love and acceptance for all that you are, and feel yourself coming alive in joy and freedom.
The Liberation of Your True Self
We move through many thresholds, initiations and rites of passages on our journey through life as we deepen into the Mysteries of The Goddess.