Winter Solstice

Embrace the magic of Winter Solstice and the deep medicine of the Winter Season.

On December 21 the Wheel of the Year turns and we welcome Winter Solstice.

Since ancient times Winter Solstice has been regarded as one of the most mystical, magical and important times of the year. For those living attuned to Nature, this is undeniable. One can sense its magic deep within….

We now have the longest night of the year. This also marks a turning point, and a celebration of the return of light, as the days will slowly grow longer moving forward. There’s a feeling of rebirth in the air, a freshness and a new start!

Ever since last year’s Winter Solstice the Sun has gone through a cycle from birth, to reaching its peak point at the Summer Solstice, then declining through the season of autumn, until it dies on the darkest night. But simultaneously, it is born again on this day, and a new cycle begins.

The Winter Solstice is a time of great celebration, because the sun is born again and we celebrate the new light.

There is evidence of Winter Solstice celebrations dating as far back as 10,000 BC. On the darkest day of the year, the Ancients lit fires, they gathered in community and shared feasts to celebrate the return of light. They decorated trees, and they exchanged gifts. Evergreens, mistletoe, holly, rosemary, pine, and ivy were used for decorations around the home. It was a time of great joy and celebration. 

If it sounds a bit like Christmas, it's because many pagan ceremonies were overlaid with Christian holidays.

Ancient civilizations marked Winter Solstice with deep reverence. Across the world, the various rituals and decorations varied, but the underlying theme and intention was the same. 

Just as our ancestors knew the importance of the Winter Solstice may we now remember it too…

The Solstice time.. a time to.. 


..the Divine Light..

 ..that shines within.

Treasure it deeply.

It holds both the lock and the key..

..allowing you to see..

..the greatness of your destiny.

Attuning to The Wheel of the Year has brought me great inner harmony, balance and peace. It guided me to align with Nature’s rhythms, and embrace my own inner nature. Living one with the seasons has changed something in me. It brough me closer to myself. It brough me closer to the Goddess. Deepening my connection to nature is bringing me closer to myself, for I am nature.

The seasons are not only happening outside of me, it’s also happening within.

As I’ve allowed myself to follow the rhythm of Nature, and let my heartbeat fall into synch with the heartbeat of Mother Earth, it has created a bridge between Heaven and Earth, within me. It’s allowed me to anchor in higher frequencies and really ground it in my body.

It has opened up a deeper love of the physical world, my body and for being here. It has taken me deeper into my truth and the feeling that I am safe to live it.

I feel more grounded, at peace, trusting, abundant and in love with myself - and life.

The Goddess is Nature. She is me. I am Nature.


Winter Solstice holds a promise of what is to come, even if it's not yet visible. It's a reminder of the magic that is the dark, fertile space— from which new life will emerge.

Winter Solstice is the doorway into the light, which will slowly grow brighter. With the promise of the return of light, we can with great trust descend into the dark.

Darkness is scary for many (fear of the unknown/being in the void/the in-between space/not knowing/no certainty), but this is the fertile womb of The Great Mother, she who births all life.

When resisting the dark, we resist The Goddess. For she is both light and dark. She is summer and winter. She is all of Nature.

And so are we…..

The polar opposites of Winter and Summer also ties in with the Feminine and the Masculine.

The winter is very feminine as it's centred around deep rest and nourishment held within the comfort of the darkness. The summer is the opposite with the sun energies reaching its peak. We have more energy, we need less sleep, and we are more outward going. There is more movement, lots of beautiful inspired action and more activity.

Many prefer summer over winter, when everything is light and bright, but then avoid the sacred medicine of the winter season. The wisdom of the feminine, and winter, is the deep rest and nourishment, to allow for stillness, for reflection and going inward. We have our own winter hibernation, just as the animals and all of Nature.

During winter nature is resting. The trees and flowers are not blooming, but a new spring will soon blossom…and so it is, that we too shall slowly awaken from our winter slumber with a newfound sense of aliveness and inspiration.


The Winter Solstice is an auspicious time where life and death merge, and the seen and unseen commune. The veil between the worlds is thin, it's a sacred time to connect and go within.

We cannot experience Light without the Dark. It’s the Holy Communion that is so essential to a life of vitality and joy, clarity on who we are, and what our life is all about. As long as we fear the dark we cannot fully embrace — and live our light. We’re avoiding and resisting the full spectrum of our existence.

When we are afraid of the Dark Goddess, the dark seasons of Nature, and the darker aspects within— we then deny a part of ourselves and cannot fully live free. For we are both light and dark. Just as Nature—just as The Goddess.

We are not separated from Nature — we are one and the same. Its time to honor both the dark and the light—within and without, and celebrate all that we are. As we do we take our sacred power back.

The deeper we go into winter, the more energy and clarity we have for the rest of the year. As we descend into the dark, we will grow more fully in our light. Just like a seed being nourished, so it can bloom in spring.


During Winter Solstice we are at the darkest time of year, it’s the longest night, and we have descended fully. This is also the turning point that welcomes new light. The Sun is born again and this marks the return of light. Deep within the darkness, a new light is ignited. This is also happening within you.

At the Winter Solstice we celebrate this new light, and the hope it brings, knowing it will continue to grow and shine brighter. We celebrate the potential this light holds. This little seed of light will only grow in the time to come.

Anything is possible… from the nourishing dark womb new life will grow, and this light will expand. With the rebirth of the Sun a new year begins. It’s the beginning of a new cycle of birth, growth and death in Nature; and this means a whole new cycle of experiences and transformation. It’s a new chapter, a new year, a new season.

This makes this a really hopeful and exciting time. What a gift that we have this new beginning every year, where we go deep within for then to slowly emerge as a new version of ourselves.


Winter is the season when things are revealed by going deep within. As we embrace the quiet and the dark – we realize that we don’t need to do anything for the magic to flow. We dont need to do anything to receive.

We dont need to accomplish anything, work hard, do more, be more, over-give or over-extend in hopes of receiving something in return. Winter is teaching us to allow ourselves to simply be, and part of being, is receiving. It is our Divine Essence, our Wholeness and our Naturalness.

Guidance, ideas, new visions and new dreams are revealing themselves as we turn inward. As we get quiet and embrace the stillness of winter, we can receive downloads and access deep inner wisdom.

Within the deep nourishment of winter, we are dreaming up the dreams of everything that will grow in the upcoming season. We’re dreaming up new ideas, visions and inspirations that will grow and later become bountiful harvests. The dreams of everything to come are being ignited and nourished within our winter.

Without winter, there is no spring. Without death, there is no new life.

The dreams you are now dreaming during your winter rest, are the sparks of new life that will grow in the upcoming season. Right now, a new light is being lit within you. It brings with a sense of hope and inspiration, for anything is now possible. It is a fresh start, and this is a time of pure potential.

It’s so important that you truly honor this time of rest. What is yours to do right now is to rest and be deeply nourished, so you are ready for the birth of new life and the expansion that will soon come.

Winter Solstice is a portal to the inner light, and a gateway that can reveal deeper insight. There is much to access giving us direction for the upcoming season. The beauty is that we have all of winter to nourish our hopes, dreams and ideas.

Let yourself nourish the inspiration and insight that the Winter Solstice brings, without rushing into action. Spring is coming… For now you are called to rest and nourish, and dream your dreams….


May you create space, and make this a time of elevation for your life— mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually— and be deeply held as we embrace this sacred moment.

It’s an extraordinary opportunity to deepen into your sacred truth and ignite ancient wisdom that you carry within. Aligning with the energy of Solstice and really being present with it, is deeply supportive for our path.

You can access a winter solstice playlist here!

Here are some recommendations for how to honor the Winter Solstice.

Meditations and Stillness

Winter Solstice and the season of winter is a wonderful opportunity to tend to yourself, deepen your personal practice, tune into your heart, rest and recharge— so that you may shine bright when time comes for you to rise from the winter slumber. 

This season is a great time to create space for deep soul journeys, meditations, reflections, deep nourishment and light activations.

During Winter Solstice, there is much wisdom and guidance available that will support our path forward. The moment of Winter Solstice is a sacred pause that allow for you to nourish the truth of who you are, and let new insight be revealed. Within this dark, fertile void that we are in, there is much clarity that can rise in terms of how you are to live and serve.

There is a lot of guidance now, and it's a very auspicious time. Pay attention to sensations, signs and synchronicities… they are all around, and especially potent.

Light Activations and Frequency Attunements

Winter Solstice is a portal to your inner light….and its very beneficial to work with frequency meditations.

Here’s a free resources that you can explore:

White Rose Healing and Message from Spirit

Reflection and New Vision

This is a wonderful time to reflect on the past six months since Summer Solstice, and the last twelve months since the last Winter Solstice. Consider how you have grown and what you have learned. Sit in silence and contemplate the year to help you prepare for the new upcoming season.

When we close what was, we can open to all what will be. As we honor endings, we open for the new. Sometimes it can be easy to jump into planning for the new, without fully honoring what has been, and has ended, and then not fully being able to embrace the lessons, wisdom and medicine supporting our path forward.

Once you have spent some time processing what has ended, the doors that has closed and the deeper learnings here, begin envisioning the new season and get clear on what is rising in you, and what you are focusing on.

Continue this process in the time to come, using the winter energies to allow for greater wisdom to rise. There is no need to rush this process.

Here are some prompts to assist you:

How have you changed and in which ways? What were the catalyst for it?

What is ending, and how you are honoring this? What is the deeper wisdom and learning?

As you step through the Winter Solstice portal, in which ways are you now being reborn?

How are you different?

What is rising in you?

Something so sacred is being born…the energy will only grow stronger with the coming months. The season of winter assist you to really nourish your ideas, projects and visions. Winter is not a time for action, it is a time for deep rest.

What are the seeds now being nourished that will bloom in spring and summer?

What will come to life for you this year?

What harvests will this yield?

What is most important to you and your way of life?

What is the guidance of your heart, and how are you honoring this?

✨ Declutter and create space

Select an area of your home and reorganize it. Release what is no longer needed. Declutter and celebrate renewal. A good essential oil to use is Lemongrass. Tea Tree is also great. Mix with water in a spray bottle or use in your diffuser to cleanse energetically.

✨Create a fire ceremony

Gather with loved ones to make a bonfire outdoors (if possible) or sit inside by the fireplace, or simply light candles to honor and celebrate the Solstice and the new light.

Organize a Winter Solstice Feast and Celebration
Prepare food of the season and come together for a wonderful meal + ceremony with loved ones.

Winter Solstice is the doorway into the light,

which will slowly grow brigther.

The Solstice is a threshold. 

Tend to this sacred time, for it holds a sacred promise

of a New Path of Light.

This path opens within you. 

Tend to your heart.

Be present with what is. 

Let the healing energies wash over you.

Surrender, dear One.

Let the new path become visible.


These are wonderful essential oils to work with during Winter Solstice. As always, trust you own intuition, and use the oils that calls you…. There may be different ones that are wanting to support you during this particular phase of your life.

Roman Chamomile is an oil of The Angelic Realm that supports your Angelic Light and Wisdom to shine. This is a high-frequency oil, a bright light and it acts as a portal to other realms and dimensions. It opens up the Way of the Soul, and supports the Divine Essence of Light to come forth. The oil calms the body and mind, so the Light of the Soul can fully come into form and express itself, without the ego “pushing it away”.

Roman Chamomile helps to get clear of the path forward, and support you in accessing deeper wisdom of the Soul. It gently activates the deeper gifts of the Soul that you are here to share in this lifetime.

Roman Chamomile is gentle, and it reminds us to slow down and go easy. It teachers us the way of gentleness, tranquility and embodiment of Spirit, which is the realm of deep trust.

It reminds us that when we truly know who we are; we walk in peace.

It is wonderful to use Roman Chamomile as you envision your path and tune into what it looks and feels like to let your Soul lead.

Apply the oil to third eye.

Roman Chamomile can be really wonderful together with grounding oils such as Hawaiian Sandalwood, Frankincense or Patchouli.

Spikenard is a powerful and well known “Magdalene-oil” that represents rebirth and resurrection into light. This is a deep and powerful oil that carry higher frequencies of Light supporting new awareness and consciousness, and finding peace in the knowing that you are always held. Very supportive for the heart and upper chakras including the pineal and pituitary glands.

Rose oil carry the frequencies of Divine Love that nourish body, mind, heart and soul on the deepest level. Use in meditations, during rest and practices to replenish and rejuvenate.

Frankincense represents the Divine Masculine and the Father Principle. It specifically supports the balancing of the upper chakras and helps you to open up and receive the light through the crown chakra.

It strengthens our spiritual connection, our truth “as Spirit”.

Add one drop to the crown chakra.. close your eyes and breathe… notice the energy… the light. Many experience this as “liquid light” streaming from the crown and down the body. Frankincense in like an invisible tread bridging you to higher realms, activating your innermost Divine truth.

You can follow up this with applying Myrrh oil to the bottoms of your feet to “ground the light” and anchor it fully in your body and on Earth.

Myrrh represents the Divine Feminine and the Mother principle. It is deeply grounding and earthly. It specifically supports the lower chakras.

Lemongrass is a deeply cleansing oil that helps you to release the old and welcome the new.

Enjoy the Winter Solstice season!

With love,


New Year Thoughts


The Queen of Sheba