New Year Thoughts

Moving into a new calendar year feeling more peaceful and content than ever.

Yes please!

That means no resolutions, no stress, no pressure, no big expectations, not a long list of changes we’re gonna make within a certain number of days, no big promises that sort of stresses us out, and not a nervous system on overdrive.

We go for peace, ease, simplicity and deep nourishment.

We are embracing a sacred way of life, we are living attuned to the rhythm of Nature, and never have we felt more full in our hearts.


The celebration of New Year on January 1st is a human-made creation. It’s not defined by any natural, seasonal or astrological markers.

For us in the Northern Hemisphere— where daylight recently ebbed to its lowest point on Winter Solstice and the days are starting to get longer again— there’s a feeling of rebirth in the air. A sense of newness. An entrance into a new chapter. This is a subtle shift that we feel in our body and heart. But we are still in winter, and we are deeply honoring that. The winter season supports the new path to be revealed, and this isn’t happening on January 1st.

So I invite you to shift the way you look at the calendar new year, which is something humans came up with, vs living in alignment with the natural rhythm.

Does it then feel natural to set out into accomplishing big goals and make drastic changes in your life right now? The traditional New Year celebrated on January 1 might be the start of our new calendar year, and it does have that feeling of new beginnings, which is wonderful. However, if you pay attention to the deeper energies of the season we are in, it does not really align with this.

There is a reason why most people have a difficult time with their new years resolutions, or perhaps feel that its not aligned, because the season we are in isn’t set up for action and accomplishing big goal. Januar is a month of deep “wintering”, meaning rest and rejuvenation.

We are in many ways preparing for the rise of energies, which is coming in spring. Everything on our planet is then once again inspired to sprout. That is an ideal time to get started with those projects, get into action-mode, do a deep cleanse of the body, begin to act on all the downloads we’ve received during winter and truly emerge as a new and re-birthed version of ourselves.

The New Years on January 1 isn’t a time for action to reach goals and make big changes, and there is none of this “get-up and go energy”, which is why many people find this really challenging as well, for they are going against their own true nature. I think many people really feel this, that something is “off”, but they go along with what is expected of them vs honoring their own inner wisdom.

It’s said that the ancient Babylonians were the first people to have “New Years resolutions”, some 4,000 years ago. However, the new year didn’t begin on January 1 for them, but in mid-March with the Spring Equinox.

Evidence of celebrations of Solstices and Equinoxes dates back more than 10 000 years.


The more we attune to Nature, the more we feel the subtle shifts. As we continue to let our life fall into sync with this rhythm, we sense greater feelings of harmony, peace and contentment. We feel more present, and more alive.

It’s a peaceful and harmonious way of life, and it nourishes us more than anything else.

It’s very simple, not complicated at all. But this sense of peace, and this way of life that is so well nourished, so sacred and so beautiful, may feel very uncomfortable at first. This is because we have been conditioned to be busy, make things happen, hustle, live in fear of never being enough— which have us trying to prove that we are, and seeking outwardly for validation.

This takes us directly out of our personal Sovereignty and Divine Essence. It’s a programming that will have us constantly doubt who we are, to get us to opt into a way of life that is presented to us, rather than living from the heart and embracing our Souls true calling.

Deep relaxation, a regulated nervous system, and no longer living in fear and survival—it can all feel very foreign. Yet, we are embracing our true nature, and this isn’t foreign at all, it’s our true essence.

As we embrace our true nature, our divine essence and the wisdom within, we are restoring the ways of the Goddess. We are changing the very ways of this planet. We are guiding humanity out of the fear-programming and into the way of love.

This is what we came here for.

Remember.. it all starts with each of us. Rather than focusing on how you can change the world, focus on how you can align your life with the wisdom of your own heart and the sacred pulse of life. Let your life become a moving prayer of love, and let this impact and change the world around you.


What is your heart calling for the most right now?


Do not let the world's New Year's celebration cause any stress for you. Do not let it make you feel inadequate in any way, or that where you are today isn't “good enough” or where you “should” be. 

I invite you to take a deep breath in…

…and exhale fully.

Pause for a moment with me here, dear sister. 

Life is sacred.. You are sacred..

..and you are exactly where you need to be.

Do not feel stressed if you don’t have everything mapped out as the new calendar year approaches. This yearly event has been turned into a super stressful time, and is now yet another crazy holiday that hijacks the nervous system and leave people feeling more pressured than normal to “do more and “be more”. Many then commit to making big changes in their lives that actually feels stressful, not aligned or supportive for the season they are in. In fact, it only adds to the feeling of “not being enough.”

Lets break this pattern. Let’s begin again. Lets start living from a place of I AM ENOUGH, and lets see how that feels!

We can opt-out of this “new year drama” and be at peace. We can always choose to be at peace, whatever is going on around us. Dear One, do not let anything or anyone make you feel that you are not good enough as you are, right now. Never!

We are, as a community of conscious and woke women, opting out of the hustle culture and taking a stand for the Way of The Goddess. We are opting out of the pressure to “do more”, “be more”, and “have more”. We are releasing the programming that says that we are never quite enough. We are freeing ourselves from the chains of materialism and embracing our true wealth; our Divine Essence and God-Self. 

As we embrace our truth, the outer world and its many demands to “be more” and “do more” (which are distractions pulling us away from our true nature of wholeness), will have little impact. We dwell within the nourishment of our own heart, within the wisdom of our Soul, within the fullness of our Divine Essence.

What happens then is that the many demands from the world around us, basically just turns into noise. It's drama that we choose not to get pulled into. As we remember our true Nature we opt out of the hustle culture that has been forced upon us. 

A new way of life opens. This is what we came here to anchor.


Does “being you” not feel enough?
Who are you when you stop trying to prove anything?


We started a new cycle, a new year, with the Winter Solstice. A new light was lit within each of us, and this seed of light will now expand. Coming out of the Solstice portal there is a great feeling of freshness and a new start. This is wonderful, and can feel so inspiring. As we shift into a new calendar year, this only adds to this sense of newness, and all of this is great!

There is so much hope and anticipation contained within the possibility of what might open. This energy is wonderful to work with in envisioning the path ahead. And we do so, but we are not stressed about it, and we do not rush this process.

At the time of the calendar New Year, we are just out of the Solstice portal, and "everything is new". Things may not be fully clear at this point, we need to let everything marinate for a little while. We continue to embrace the medicine of winter to support our way forward.

It is easy to get hooked on that whole resolution thing, and declare all the changes we are going to make (often within the first few weeks of the new year) or just simply feel rushed about things, and put a lot of pressure on ourselves. But it’s actually very important that we don’t put any kind of pressure on ourselves when we are in winter. This is not a time for action, this is a time for deep rest.

Setting new year’s resolutions and goals based on actions we want to take is way too much pressure right now. We’re not meant to be accomplishing goals or be in full “action mode” right now. The only thing we are asked to do in winter is to rest and allow for the new path to be revealed in greater clarity.

This is very productive, but of course we have been told that it isn’t.

We have been led to believe that we have “do something” to be productive, which isn't true at all. Sometimes, especially during winter, rest is the most productive thing of all.

When in winter it's important that we don’t rush into action. Everything will become more clear, and "the seed of light will expand", but it is so easy to miss this, by getting pulled into the “new year drama”, and then start to compare, feel not enough, disoriented, confused and stressed that we are somehow not where we are meant to be.

There is a lot of pressure around the new year, even if one are not getting caught up in the whole resolution thing, one can have these feelings of not being ready, not having clarity, and not having everything mapped out. But this what the season of winter is for...

Relax deeply in this knowing that all is well, and all will become clear to you as you let yourself fully rest and dwell in the wisdom of the inner realms.

The deeper we go into winter, the more energy and clarity we have for the rest of the year. As we descend into the dark, we will grow more fully in our light. Just like a seed being nourished, so it can bloom in spring.

Just as Nature will slowly awaken from its winter slumber, so will you begin to awaken with new plans, visions and excitement for life. Much will be revealed during the winter season of hibernation, introspection and resting.

Enjoy this time and be at peace, dear one.


How does it feel like to let yourself fully rest?


💫Avoid making any drastic changes to your diet and daily routines, and embrace the season that you are in. When we begin to shift from winter to spring you will intuitively feel when it’s a good time to do a detox, cleanse the body, and start to change things up.

💫Go into silence and be at peace. Listen to the wisdom within..the sacred pulse of life..the heartbeat of The Great Mother.

💫Rest deeply and nourish yourself. Tend to your precious heart and care for you needs. Meet yourself in love and compassion. Soften and relax deeper. Instead of trying to reach for more, come into the present Now and let yourself experience the magic that is all around….always in the Now. 

💫Regulate, balance and nurture, and continue to integrate the Solstice energies.

💫Trust the seed that will expand. Trust the process that you are in. Don't feel you have to rush anything, because you absolutely do not.

💫Keep a journal close during the winter months, and let all of the reflections, insights and inner guidance come down onto paper.

💫Remember that success isn't something we accomplish, it's something we are, and something we can never lose. Success, wealth, happiness, love, abundance….These are all the essence of who we are, and not something to attain, grasp for, seek outside, nor try to accomplish. When we seek for it, we tell ourselves we do not already have it…

💫Soften into your truth and align with the greater energy of peace, prosperity, love and freedom that dwell within you. Let yourself feel the beauty of true happiness, the one that is an uprising within you.

💫Meet yourself just as you are, love yourself deeply, even if insecurities arise. We are humans and we all feel these things. Hold yourself close. Love all of you and be GENTLE with yourself. Let yourself be human….

💫The only blueprint to your life path lies within. Never look away.

You can read more about the Winter Solstice energies and how to embrace the deep medicine of winter HERE!

Here is a Winter Playlist on Spotify.

Are you feeling a little scattered or stressed? Listen to this free meditation which will support you to call back your energy and restore your full glory!

With so much love…from my heart to yours…



Sisterhood of The Rose


Winter Solstice