The Temple of Magdalene
The Magdalene Rose Priestess
Journey with Mary Magdalene as your guide & awaken the inner knowing
My beautiful sister,
Can you feel the Rose that is your Heart calling you to live your truth?
Can you sense the vibration of the Rose encouraging you to surrender into Love and let the inner Divine Light guide your way?
You are always held by Mother God, Divine Sophia, The Divine Mother of all Life.
In this knowing, this trust, you can let go…
You are a Sovereign Creatrix and during these pivotal times, you are called to embody your Divinity in such a powerful way that births a new paradigm.
The focus moving forward is greatly on opening and activation of the heart. To amplify the awareness upon the heart and the Divine Light within.
What is real is love. All else is an illusion.
As you remember, and live this truth,
you are walking the highest path of all.
Within the Temple of Magdalene you are welcomed into a sacred session called The Magdalene Rose Priestess to help you awaken the inner knowing and own your Priestess title with confidence.
With Love from,

In this Magdalene Rose session you will…
☥Deepen the relationship with your ancient truth as Priestess
☥Own your Priestess title with confidence
☥Journey with Mary Magdalene as your guide to awaken a deeper understanding and knowing of your purpose
☥Activate Rose Codes of love, compassion and grace that are here to serve during these pivotal times
☥Receive personal guidance for you at this time, through the portal of your heart
☥Let Mary Magdalene support your journey of becoming who you have always been
☥Feel our collective light as Magdalene Sisters shine bright
☥Be held in an all-loving space that guides you to relax deeply and receive beautiful energies of love and healing