Sisterhood of The Rose

The Sisterhood of the Rose's primary mission is to transmit Goddess Energy to Earth and establish the presence of The Goddess to support planetary peace, love, joy and harmony.

This is a Galactic Circle of Interdimensional Beings. The Priestesses that form the Sisterhood live in deep devotion to the sacred work of anchoring higher dimensional energies, and they serve as a bridge between realms.

Many Priestesses connected to this circle have been in preparation for what is now unfolding, for time has come to re-activate the Sisterhood of the Rose, and gather once more.


Through the Temples of Venus, it was in the time of Lemuria that the Sisterhood of The Rose was anchored on Earth guided by Mother Mary, Aphrodite and other emanations of the Divine Mother.

The Priestesses of Lemuria were Water Priestesses and Mermaids. They were keepers of ancient wisdom, love, beauty and the codes of Divine Union. They weaved the Sisterhood of the Rose into being, and rooted it deeply into the Earth.

They anchored the Venusian Temple onto Earth, and established Sacred Feminine Arts. These women were the Priestesses of Aphrodite and the Mary’s of the Sea. They were Water Goddesses and Magdalene Mermaids who held everything as sacred, and saw the Ocean as their Mother.

To live in pleasure was their most sacred gift and their purpose. They lived in deep pleasure and orgasmic states, and this was a natural way of life.

Many women today have a deep knowing of this…


Water and Sound were the beginning of life on Earth, and Lemuria hold the codes of this ancient wisdom. The Lemurian Water Priestesses worked with sound and water, as soothing sound put beings into a state of ease where frequencies blend into an harmonious melody.

This is both deeply healing and activating. Its nourishing and rejuvenating. It awakens the light within.

The Lemurian Water priestesses would use song as part of their water blessing rituals, ceremonies and anointments. Song was an essential part of their lives, and one could hear the women singing as they went about with their daily routines.

They sang to the water, to the rocks, to the animals, to the birds and all living beings. They sang to nature, they sang to the children, to the men, and to each other. They used song as healing medicine for those in need of comfort.

Many Water Priestesses today will recognise this song when they hear it. It will resonate deeply, and stir an inner knowing.

A Water Priestess may also simply recognise the “tone” of another Water Priestess, and feel a sense of belonging, a sense of home. This is simply about vibrational resonance, and goes beyond logical explanation.

The Venusian Celestial Rose is the Blue Rose. Mother Mary is a Keeper of the Venusian Rose Codes, and through a series of Initiations one will enter into her Sacred Blue Rose Embrace.


The Sisterhood of the Rose was established on Earth in the time of Lemuria, and later in Atlantis. After the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis the Priestesses were initiated into the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt and Greece. The Sisterhood of the Rose is deeply anchored within the Avalon Tradition and the Dragon Lineages.

Throughout time the Priestesses have been dispersed into key locations throughout the planet to continue the sacred mission of anchoring love and supporting the planetary grid.

When the agenda of suppressing the Goddess and the ways of the Feminine began, temples of the Goddess were destroyed, along with entire communities that held any evidence of a Mother God.

However, the real temple could never be destroyed, for that is the Eternal Light that shines forevermore.

It is the Woman that is the Temple of the Goddess.

She is the Incarnated Rose.

She is the Chalice.

The greatest ancient mystery is allowing the Goddess to awaken within the body, as the Goddess Light and the Chalice.

Members of the Sisterhood of the Rose have returned, and many have been in deep preparation for what is now unfolding. For time has come to reactivate the Sisterhood of the Rose and gather once more. These groups will gather physically to invoke Goddess energy in support of planetary peace, love, abundance and harmony.

These groups are the feminine aspect of support for the planetary transition into higher consciousness and the re-emergence of the Goddess of Light.


The High Priestesses of the Rose sisterhood are powerful vessels of light, and live in a state of Oneness.

They are deep in their role of service and has attuned their vessel to move incredible high energies of light.

They are rich in wisdom, fully awake to the Divine and the flow of creative expression.

They embrace heart-centred communication and leadership, and they embody deep devotion, love and beauty.

They are Masters of energy, and know how to transmute energy into the highest light. They know how to keep their own energy, while connecting with others.

They continuously work directly with Source to maintain their energy and care for their physical vessel, and to receive support, guidance, and assistance.

These women have no shame about their bodies, and have opened their physical vessel to move higher Source energies into the Earth. They anchor the energy of love into their hearts, into their bodies, and into the Earth, and bring through high frequencies. They are pure conduits for the wisdom, love and grace of the Divine Mother.

The Womb Portal has been opened and activated through various Rose Womb Heart Initiations and Activations, which includes releasing all shame around the physical body. They have undergone deep preparations that includes purifications of the physical body.

These women represent Higher Dimensional Love Embodiment, they are Vessels of Pure Source Light, highly attuned Orgasmic beings who fully embrace and live their Divinity.

The Rainbow Light flows through the body as a symbol of the opened and balanced chakras.


The truth is that its the Woman that is the Holy Grail; the Chalice, a conduit for anchoring divine energies on Earth.

The true mystery of the Holy Grail is to allow the Goddess to come into the body, and to transmit Goddess energy for others and the Earth. 

It's about remaining pure, respecting all things in the Universe, and surrendering to the Divine Intelligence that always guides the way.

The Priestess open their physical vessel to the energy of the Goddess, and hence become the Chalice of Light, which is her true nature.

Becoming The Chalice of Light and activating the Holy Grail is to return to a woman’s true nature.

There are two energies in The Chalice; The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine. These are the energies of the Universe, and it's through the Inner Divine Union that the Chalice opens.

This is the inner marriage that give rise to the Divine Child, and pure crystalline energies begin to flow. This is the rise of a new golden consciousness, which is the essence of love and purity. This is an Illuminated free state of being.

The Divine Child is the True Self- filled with love, light, excitement, creativity, and great power in the world. It ignites our brilliance and our most powerful expression of truth. It is the Authentic Self, who is living the inner truths in the outer world.

The Divine Child is a symbol of the balanced Masculine and Feminine energies. It's the Original Purity, the Divine I AM. It's our playfulness, and our innocent childlike nature.

It’s a powerful agent of healing on this planet. It is an inspiration for others to be bold, brave, and courageous enough to walk their true Soul path.

Mary Magdalene embodied the Holy Grail Mysteries as a Priestess of the Temples of Isis. She was the Chalice of Light that sustained and supported Yeshua.

She is a Guardian of the Holy Grail and the Wisdom of The Blue Rose.


A priestess of the Sisterhood of the Rose knows that her sexual energy is the highest spiritual energy. She uses this energy to heal and nourish herself, strengthen her energy body and illuminate her entire being. She directs this energy into her cells and allow for a full-body light activation.

Awakened life-force energy is often feel deeply erotic for a woman, and this eros is her most precious resource. Through training and deep practice she knows how to work with this energy. It naturally radiates from her being, and it's power that is felt by everyone in her presence.

She knows how to stimulate the life force serpent energy without a partner, and is fully resourced and empowered by this energy. This is the way of the sexual priestess, a woman fully aware of her sexual energy as a source of nourishment, healing and love. She is nourished by it, and she nourish the world around her with it.


In order to truly experience Goddess energy— this feeling of being in love— all shame and guilt will be released. This naturally awakens her erotic innocence and orgasmic nature.

She is a vessel of pure love, and she channel energy from both the heavenly realms, and the inner earth realms.

She is the Chalice of Light.

The Woman (the Goddess) is always at the center, as the vessel of Light. It is her sensitivity, her erotic innocence and naturally orgrasmic states that makes her so powerful. To be the Chalice of Light is woman’s true nature.

She is protected by the Divine Masculine.


There are three serpents in the human body. The left is the female serpent called Ida. The right is the male serpent called Pingala. The third is the central channel called Sushumna.

The Ancient Mystery Schools of Feminine Arts taught women how to make the two serpents of life force energy dance around each other, and enter into the centres of the brain where it stimulates the pineal gland.

This balance every chakra and the ways of giving and receiving. It also nourish and awaken cells and DNA. Entering spiral consciousness is to enter a sacred dance of the Goddess….

Rising the two serpents (the lunar and the solar) to charge the energy body and bring one into higher states of consciousness is represented by The Uraeus; the king Cobra. The Uraeus is one of the oldest, most iconic symbols of sovereign power and authority, and is often seen in Ancient Egyptian art.

The cobra rises as the result of charging the two serpents and it's often seen on Ancient Egyptian Royalty as a rearing golden cobra coming out of the head.

The Uraeus is a symbol of Divine Authority, Sovereignty, Royalty and also represents “protection of the pharaoh”.


The greatest ancient mystery is allowing Goddess to live inside the body. It's the awakening of the body as the Goddess Temple. It was the High Priestesses who were initiated into this mystery, as it takes deep levels of preparations, purifications, initiations and attunements to prepare for the body to be the living Goddess Temple, a vessel for the pure Goddess energies.

As a High Priestess is fully resourced from within, from Source, she has no need to take energy from others by seeking validation, approval, love or attention. Nor does she has any need of controlling other peoples energy, their choices and way of life, nor any outcomes.

She is “in the light”, she is protected by this light, by her own consciousness, wherever she goes. She lives “in love”, not in fear or worry.

She doesn't seek love by drawing attention to herself, nor does she demand love from others. She constantly live IN the vibration of love, IN the state of LOVE which is her true nature.

Having activated the full spectrum of her sex energy and pleasure, she is well aware of its power. She work with her Shakti energy to channel healing energy, not to draw attention from anyone, or using her sexual energy to manipulate or control a man.

Her highest calling, as the Awakened Woman is to radiate Goddess Energy for healing, love and nourishment of this planet and humanity— and in support of the Divine Masculine.

Shakti energy is powerful, and can easily be used to mislead, so a woman go through various stages of initiation so she learn how to work with her Goddess Power in a way that is in support of the highest good of all.


The physical gatherings of the Sisterhood of the Rose are deeply sacred. In these in-person meetings the Priestesses come together to anchor the Consciousness of Love into the planet.

The Sisterhood of the Rose gatherings involves coming together in song, dance, prayers and sacred ceremonies in support of the Earth and all beings, inner soul journeys, light anchoring, grid-work, and gathering in remembrance and celebration of Love and Light within.

In this flow-state, so deep in connection to the universal life force within and around them, they move this energy into the Earth to anchor and spread love and healing.

The Priestesses cherish, love, nurture all life, and value and respect everything.

They express love in all ways.

They also gather to discuss co-creations and the ways of the Sisterhood. They share their inner knowledge and beauty of the Goddess, and join together in celebration of the Goddess and her ways.

Everyone in the circle is an important part of this beautiful mandala of Oneness, and the ways of the sisterhood is co-creation and collaboration. Each woman has a unique role, and it’s like different melodies making up the song, or unique flowers making up the bouquet.

Everyone in the group is connected to her own I AM Presence, and receive inner guidance.  

Each woman is deeply devoted to anchoring the Way of Goddess through sustaining this energy in their everyday life, through all physical encounters, and in their relationships.

The Priestesses of the Sisterhood of the Rose support each other and love each other deeply. They are united in sacred work of establishing the Goddess on Earth. They place co-creation, collaboration, cooperation and mutual support, honor and respect at the forefront.

The nurturing and supportive Sisterhood is a key for the Priestesses to anchor and sustain the Goddess of Light.


When a Sisterhood of the Rose group comes together regularly through physical gatherings, it becomes a temple of the Goddess, a powerful Vortex that continually anchors the energy of love, peace and oneness into the planetary earth grid.

The love-energies that are anchored and radiated by the Sisterhood of the Rose are sacred energy of the Goddess, the feminine principle of Creation, and it’s a true healing balm for the planet.

The energy help to maintain planetary harmony during times of profound transformation.

The energies help to stabilize the planetary light grid, in addition to supporting the transmutation of dense energies, as well as supporting the the reunion of Souls.

The Sisterhood of the Rose's work of anchoring and sustaining the Goddess energy function as a portal that allow for these sacred energies to be available to all living beings on Earth, and to the planet as a whole.

The Goddess is awakening within the hearts of many, and the Sisterhood of the Rose play an important role in this as they anchor and “hold” the energy of Goddess, and radiate this energy into the Earth and into the world at large.

The Sisterhood of the Rose is supported and held by the Brotherhood of Light, and the support of the Divine Masculine is of key importance as the groups are now once again being formed.

These men with a strong inner connection to the Goddess are part of re-establishing the Sisterhood of the Rose.

While most gatherings are only the Priestesses, there are gatherings and events where the men will also be present. The men gather around the women to show support and act as guardians so the priestesses can do their sacred work. Together, are creating a powerful network of Light.

The Sisterhood also use ceremonies to support the actions and life of their male members.


Members of the sisterhood love, respect and support each other. They are unconditionally supportive of each other. When a sister receives instructions to help someone, the rest of the group will support her. When a sister receives guidance, other members will bless and support her. 

There is no competition or jealousy within the group, for each woman is awake to her Divine I AM and Sovereign truth, and she has dissolved the illusion of separation and lack. Each woman follow the wisdom and guidance of her heart. 

Mutual respect and hearts open to love are fundamental so that the physical meetings of the Sisterhood of the Rose can flow in a divine way. The meetings are anchored in love and beauty. The meetings are a sacred space dedicated to the Goddess and the Way of Love.

It is through cooperations and co-creation that the Sisterhood can fulfil its sacred purpose: to anchor Goddess Energy and Love Consciousness on the planet and thereby assist in the manifestation of a New Golden Age.

The women don’t compete, but respect each other deeply. Every member is aware of her own inner beauty and wisdom. Body, mind and spirituality are all equally important, so they adore their bodies and their humanity, as they do their spirituality and divinity.

Members of the sisterhood are there to support and help each other. This is an important part in supporting the return of the Goddess, and establishing a new society.

The way of the Sisterhood is heart-centred and anchored in love.


If this information resonates with you I welcome you to read more about The Order of the Blue Rose here.

In love and beauty,



The Order of The Blue Rose


New Year Thoughts