You are good enough just as you are—right now!
You are good enough. Just as you are… right now… in this moment.
As you take a deep breath in… and exhale….
May you feel the fullness of you… the fullness of your love.
The absolute Wholeness that you emanate.
Let the energies of pure love flow through you as a gentle, warm breeze…
Whispering the words you so want to hear…
“You are good enough.”
May you realise in this moment that it is your own Mighty I AM presence that seeks to express itself in your human form, that seeks to flow freely!
Will you allow it to do so?
Will you allow for love to express itself as you?
May you realise that you have ALWAYS been enough, and that “being enough” is your essence and simply a state of being. It's not something you try to prove that you are….not a destination you'll one day reach.
It simply is you.
Your own Divine Essence will always try to dissolve the limitations that the mind may still be holding on to, so it can fully express itself!
In this moment you are free. And you are not “doing anything”. You are just being you….
Your Divine I AM presence is your God-essence, the Source of All Life, the Ever-Present Light of Love. It's the part of you that is eternal, that shines always.
Since you are the very Source of all love it's then not something you do, it's who you are.
Embracing your Divine Essence does not mean to avoid meeting the inner shadows, it means to integrate and be whole. As you fully embody your Divine Essence, you come to know yourself as love itself.
In that moment… all of you is love (d)!