How You’ve Been Disconnected from Your Goddess Power
In the Ancient World women were deeply revered.
A woman's body was seen as sacred.
She was honored as The Goddess for she held everything in balance. Without her there would be chaos…
Women were deeply honored for their feminine wisdom and their deep inner knowing. They were Oracles and celebrated as such. They were vessel for the highest, most pure energy of love, which was a healing, nourishing balm to all. Women could move this energy through their bodies in ways that was unique to women.
Because they were so spacious they were incredibly abundant and magnetic.
A woman in her full Queen expression could move mountains without seemingly doing anything.
She was THE mystery, and embodied a kind of grace and power that was so deeply felt, so deeply known, and so deeply honored. This was POWER, and wow was it phenomenal.
A woman was so magnetic, so powerful, that she literally would draw to her everything she could possibly need.
Women ruled as Queens, with deep authority. They led from their Oracular Nature.
God-energy moving through a woman is often felt highly erotic, and her natural, pure orgasmic wildly abundant nature was truly her greatest gift. This gift was deeply protected by the Masculine.
Her radiance, her glow, her magnetism was deeply grounded and anchored. She led with grace, with courage, and with kindness.
Women chose their Counterpart, and men took the name of their wife when married. Wealth and property were passed down the female line. The wisdom of many linages were passed down from Mother to Daughter.
Because Women were so powerful, they became a threat to those who wanted to be in power. So began the work of suppressing the Divine Feminine, The Goddess and the Queen.
The Power of the Feminine was cast aside and hidden, and women went from being Queens who were highly revered, honored, respected and deeply admired to second-class citizens who could no longer choose anything for themselves.
Boys were raised to dishonor women and the feminine. Girls were raised to feel shameful and disempowered. Both learned to mistrust each other.
Your beautiful, feminine body was labeled shameful.
Your sexual energy and everything about pleasure was labeled wrong, bad, evil, dark and something to be ashamed of, even afraid of. This takes a woman not only out of her love-energy, but also her natural magnetic and highly abundant presence.
You were taken out of Nature and the natural rhythm which is your own feminine rhythm. Your deep relationship with the Earth Mother was disrupted.
You were led to fear other women and mistrust them.
A deep fear of the masculine energy was instilled.
The belief that you were not enough— and never would be— was planted. You have been led to believe that there is something wrong with you that needs to be fixed, that you are somehow inadequate and simply do not have any value.
You were made to doubt your inner wisdom and authority to completely disconnect you from your Oracular nature. This have you doubt yourself to the core! You will ask everyone else for approval and validation, even for love. This is a HUGE thing and because of this so many women today simply do not believe or trust in themselves.
You were led to see everything that is sacred about woman as something painful, bad or wrong. Menstruation, your cyclic nature, your emotional flow, pleasure, orgasm, pregnancy, birth, menopause and so forth.
Your emotions, desires and dreams were labeled as “too much”, and again something bad. Many women today doesn’t even know they have desires and dreams. Many struggle with their emotions and even think they are being “too emotional” or “too sensitive”. This may even be felt as a weakness or problem that needs to be fixed, when in fact it is one of their superpowers.
The Maiden/Mother phase has been glorified to have you seek the “forever young image”. This will take you out of the magic of womanhood. Here comes botox, weight loss and an entire industry that is built around women wanting to be “forever young” or are seeking to fix themselves because they do not feel good enough.
Women are led to believe that as they grow older they are no longer attractive, no man will want them, they will not enjoy sex, their body will no longer be beautiful, they’ve got too many wrinkles and are no longer sexy. Such BULLS*IT!!
There is a huge industry that thrive on women living disconnect from the PURE magic that they are.
It is time for the nonsense to end!
Let’s show the girls growing up today what it means to be a Woman who LOVES herself, who has reclaimed her Feminine Power, who knows her worth and value— and got STANDARDS!
Let’s reclaim Our Divine Feminine Power, Restore the Queen Code and Celebrate the Magic of Womanhood!
The Queens of the Ancients are calling us to remember and rise…..Cleopatra, Hatshepsut, Queen of Sheba, Isis, Mary Magdalene and MANY MORE!
To restore yourself as Queen I welcome you to The Priestess Initiation