Loving your Human Self

You are a brilliant being of Light, and you are also human.

Don't deny this aspect of you.

Choose love and acceptance for all that you are, and feel yourself coming alive in joy and freedom.

This human journey is one of learning and growing. It’s a journey of embracing all that we are:

Form and Formless

Spirit and Matter

Feminine and Masculine

Light and Dark

Heaven and Earth

Embracing states of higher consciousness and anchoring this as a way of life cannot happen if we are not fully at home in our body, and on Earth. There is always a descend that must happen before we can ascend; Descending into the body, grounding into the Earth and cultivating a love for the physical. This allow for ascension to naturally flow, rather than trying to “reach it”.

So rather than trying to reach a place that is full of love and peace, we embrace that we are already all of it, in the present now. We let it be a way of life, and not something we only tap into during meditation or spiritual practices. It’s embodied. It’s felt. It’s a way of living, not just an experience that comes and goes.

You are invited to embrace the union of polarities; a balance of feminine and masculine, spirit and matter, heaven and earth. So not distancing yourself from the Earth, drifting towards the heavens, feeling more comfortable here and then avoiding being fully in the body— but also planting yourself here on Earth, knowing in your heart that you chose to come here, that you belong here and it is safe to be you.

In this way we allow ourselves to be fully human. We do not escape the complexities of the human experience.

Our challenges and hardship provides us with valuable lessons and the opportunities for incredible growth.

We don’t really have good or bad days, we just have days. We don’t have good or bad emotions, we just have emotions. When we learn to accept and love all that is, we come into a state of freedom.

It’s beautiful and sacred to connect with the physical vehicle that you are in, and all of the emotions. It’s also absolutely essential in order to truly tap into all that you are.

Your emotions activate your natural wisdom and bring forth a deeper connection to the Universal Intelligence. Your intuition blossoms through a full-body awakening.

As you become more settled within yourself, feel at home in your body and experience a deep love and acceptance for yourself, all that you are and all of life— issues around safety, stability, security and belonging can begin to heal. 

You are no longer living in survival, trying to overcome something, fix something, or controlling life.

Once you feel safe in your body, safe to feel and safe to be here, you begin to tap into the true magic of your existence. You start to feel more alive and free to truly live!

By deeply accepting, loving and embracing our human existence, ascension naturally happens.


In this lifetime you are healing old patterns, and completing many cycles. Have compassion for yourself throughout it all. There are times where pain comes to the surface in various ways. Stay compassionate with yourself and go behind the outer reaction, and into its origin. 

From where does it arise? What are you afraid of? Where have you been rejecting parts of yourself? 

When being hard on yourself, treat yourself with the same loving kindness that you would a loved one.

There may be times where you doubt yourself, feel frustrated or wish for things to be different. Rather than shaming yourself or blaming another, go within and notice the pattern and the underlying stories. Connect with your heart, go deeper and feel the part of you that might be really afraid...Can you stay here?

Ask this part of you what hurts and where the fear comes from. 

Offer comfort and compassion. Hold yourself close. 

This right here is one of the most powerful forms of healing. 

You are learning to self-soothe. 

You are learning to be present with - and love every part of you.


There is a whole lot of fear circulating on this planet. It’s been in a war zone for an incredibly long time. This reality is dense. Being in a physical body is dense. Being here isn't straight up easy.

Remind yourself as often as you need that you chose to be here. You chose to be a light in the darkness. You chose to come here to activate your Holy Presence and Divine Sovereignty— for your own Soul evolution, and to support humanity.

Take amazing care of yourself and connect deeply with your body as well as with Mother Earth. Plant yourself here and grow roots that keep you feeling grounded and safe. Look to the plants and the trees, they grow deep roots which is the foundation that allows them to rise up tall.

For human beings, these roots are the foundation that creates a safe space for expansion and allow for the light to truly shine, in full force!

These roots cultivates a deep sense of safety and security, which is so important, for we receive what we desire, when we feel safe and worthy of receiving it.


Sometimes we may wish we had done things differently. Sometimes we might even deny our story out of shame or guilt.

But there is beauty in your story. There is beauty in the mess, and there is great medicine here. Can you meet the part of you that might feel afraid or ashamed, and listen deeply...?

Where does the feeling of shame come from?

What are you most afraid of?


You did the best you could with what you knew...

and... It wasn't your fault.

You are beautiful in every way. 

All of you is sacred.

Your emotions are sacred. Your body is sacred.

You are worthy of all good things. 

When you come to love all that you are, you activate your brilliant light. Now, this is a bit of a courageous act, let's call it rebellious even, for this world has done so much to turn you against yourself, it has literally programmed you into feeling not enough nor worthy. It has done much to make you feel afraid of love, resist it even. 

But you are then resisting yourself, for YOU ARE LOVE.

As long as you are deeming yourself unworthy, shaming your body and self, you will deny yourself expansion and the activation of your Light. You will then be separated from your soul mission and stay hidden. As you wake up to the agenda trying to separate you from your Light and Sovereignty, you can truly begin the process of freeing yourself from the grips it's had on you.

Together, let's clear the collective unworthiness wound - once and for all!


✨Which part of your story are you most ashamed of and wishing wasn't there?

✨What if the deepest medicine is found within this part of you story that you're pushing away…

✨What medicine lies within your story? Perhaps within the most painful part...

✨How are you being called to share your medicine with the world?

✨Why do you think you are here? 

✨What kind of soul mission do you think you decided upon before you came?

✨How have your life experiences prepared you for this mission?

Can you take a moment and notice how anything that other people have done or said to you that brought you harm, actually didn't have anything to do with you? 

It certainly didn't take away your worth, beauty and love! 

This is all you, this is your true essence, your natural state and can never be taken away from you.

Feel into any pain.. let it be released and notice that underneath it all;
there is you, there is the most beautiful love.

It has been there waiting for you to return home!

You are the Essence of Love. 


✨How can you allow ourselves to be more human?

✨In which areas can you be kinder are more compassionate towards yourself?

✨How can you welcome all your emotions and deepen your connection with your emotional nature?

✨Is there something you have said or done that you feel is hard to forgive yourself for? Can you connect with this part of you that may feel that she did something wrong, messed it up, will always be a failure, and can never be loved? Can you hold her close, and accept and love her completely? How do you feel after connecting with yourself in this way? How does it feel like to be a loving Mother and Father to yourself?


Feel your sacred temple body… Feel the love that you have for your body...

✨How do you talk to your body?

✨How do you treat it?

✨Where can you bring in more love and deeper compassion?

✨How can you bring in more luxurious self-care rituals into your life?

✨Is there anything that you can do right now as an act of love to your body!?


My story :: Part I


The Liberation of Your True Self