Our Divine Essence
Perhaps we came here to have the experience of love..
..while in human form.
Perhaps everything is about love…
..and the journey that we are on is one of remembering…
..that we are love.
This journey is then one of unbecoming and unlearning, so we can allow ourselves to be all that we already are.
Perhaps if we stop trying to “manifest” what we think we want, we will come to know that everything is already here, waiting for us to be present enough to actually experience it....
We begin to feel the Divine Intelligence moving through our being, breathing life to our existence and guiding our every step.
You know, the same intelligence that bring forth the shift of seasons, makes the leaves fall from the trees, waves come and go, and flowers bloom every spring.
We realize that no matter what we do, the season will change, night will turn to day, the sun rises once more..
Then we surrender....
Perhaps a little. Then some more. We loosen the grip. We begin to let go.
We come to experience life and love, in its purity.
Which is always the experience of ourselves.
For love is who we are.