Embody your True Self with Patchouli
Patchouli calls for the ancient mystic to rise, and is all about embodiment of the true self. She calls you to see you greatness, embrace the fullness of your expression, and live out your most authentic version!
Patchouli ground us deeply into the safe holding of Mother Earth, that allows for our true self to rise in grounded confidence.
With Patchouli in your life you will feel more stable and secure in the truth of who you are.
Patchouli is a very grounding oil. She helps you to grow solid roots and establish a secure foundation, so that you can rise in grounded confidence and welcome holy expansion.
Patchouli loves to go deep... And she calls that ancient, true, real part of you to rise up!
This oil has a very shamanic feel to her. She is so earthly, and so wise.
When Patchouli enters your life, you know things are about to shift in big ways!
As a multidimensional being who travels across realms and dimensions, Patchouli will anchor you back onto the earth plane, and also support higher frequencies to anchor within your being.
If you have a tendency to easily “fly high”, then let Patchouli will support you to ground more deeply into the Earth, and also ground the higher dimensional energies within your being. She connects Spirit with the Body. Patchouli support feelings of stability, security and peace.
Patchouli is a really solid oil, that grounds you back into the Earth. This means that this oil is really good to use after working with higher vibrational energies where one perhaps can feel a little unearthed or “out of the body” (this can also mean after working with oils that holds a higher vibrational energy and works more on the “upper planes”).
Patchouli helps us connect back with the body, and the Earth, and she also helps the integration process after working with higher vibrational energies.
This oil can also help to bring clarity around downloads that we receive from other dimensions.
This is a very “down to earth” kind of oil. The is a true teacher of simple, sacred living, and being present to the beauty that is all around.
Patchouli helps you to connect deeply with the physical; your body and the Earth.
Patchouli is really so much about embodiment.
Patchouli is calming and grounding, and will help you feel more centred and present. Her relaxing effect supports the higher aspects of you to ground more fully into the physical part of you.
Patchouli teaches great love for the physical body, and the understanding of it being the vessel. The body is truly magnificent, and Patchouli helps you to truly see and embrace this.
Patchouli awakens the awareness of the body as holy, sacred- and a Divine God-given Temple.
When you first receive Patchouli, take a moment to inhale the aroma, sit in silence and connect with the medicine of this plant. Feel into what Patchouli is here to help you with, what wisdom is flowing to you, and what the oil would like you to know.
You can also ask how you should use this oil in a way that supports you the most at this time.
As you continue working with Patchouli for healing purposes, it is wonderful to be intentional about it and connect with the oil on a deeper level. Follow your own intuition here, in connecting and working with this most beautiful oil. Trust yourself, and trust in what you hear.
Use in the ways you feel most called to use it.
After Patchouli has entered your life, you may intuitively feel called to use this oil from time to time. It just calls you. Or your body calls for it. The more you work with it, the deeper your connection with it will be, and this oil becomes a powerful friend, support and alley.
Aromatic: Inhale from bottle, add 2-4 drops in your diffuser, or place a drop in your hands, rub them together and inhale.
Topical: Mix 1 drop Patchouli with 5 drops carrier oil and apply on bottoms of feet (or anywhere else you feel guided to apply it)
Internal: Add 1-2 drops to a veggie cap or in water (or other beverage) OBS: Only essential oils that are labeled safe for internal use.
Safety Instructions:
Please dilute Patchouli with a carrier oil when using it topically on a regular basis. You can dilute the oil on a roller bottle which makes it easy to use throughout the day.
When diluting essential oils, try starting with one drop of essential oil combined with five drops of a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil. Feel free to adjust this ratio to meet your specific needs, taking into account your personal preferences, the oil’s chemistry, and your personal sensitivity.
Fractionated coconut oil is a great carrier oil. It’s light and absorbs quickly into the skin. It has no aroma, and blends really well with the essential oil.
Always dilute an essential oil when using it for the first time or applying it to sensitive skin.