Awaken the Sensual Goddess with Jasmine

Jasmine is known for its highly fragrant, delicious aroma. The aroma is intensely floral, warm, musky, and exotic. Jasmine is a sacred goddess oil sourced from the fertile land of Egypt. Ancient Egyptians were masters of holistic health and believed that beauty, magic and medicine were inseparable. Jasmine has powerful abilities to unleash a woman’s power and support her in embodying her Queen-essence!


Jasmine is a Queen oil, and teaches you to honor yourself and your temple body, and love yourself as the Goddess you are. Shame has no room within a temple body, and Jasmine helps you clear away feelings of shame and guilt. She's sensual and stimulating; Jasmine is a well known aphrodisiac.

Jasmine guides you onto a path of empowerment and freedom. She reminds you that it’s safe to express your sensuality and guide you step by step to once again feel safe in your body, and safe to express who you are.

Jasmine nurture healthy sexuality and support balancing sexual forces; either one fear and resist intimacy, or one obsess over or are too fixated on sexuality and sex.

Jasmine will support the process of releasing any past trauma connected to sexuality. This is a most beautiful oil for womb healing. With its gentle nature, Jasmine brings to the surface any unresolved sexual trauma and guides you back home to your temple body and divine beauty.

Jasmine will teach you how to honor and respect yourself and help you cultivate positive experiences within intimate relationships.

For anyone holding fear around intimacy, this oil is so important and will support you to once again feel safe and be able to cultivate healthy and loving connections and relationships. Jasmine promotes feelings of joy, peace, and self-confidence, and in the most gentle and beautiful way she facilitates deep healing.

Embrace you Divinity, allow the soft energies of the Divine Feminine to flow through you and accept yourself fully. You are whole and complete!


The sacral chakra is connected to sexuality, sensuality, creativity and the ability to feel. Jasmine works to bring balance to this energy centre and help you feel confident, safe, sensual and creative.

She reminds you that its is safe to express your sensuality and guide you step by step to once again feel safe in your body, safe to feel and express - and be YOU.

A woman’s power lies in her sacral chakra. Sexual energy is life force, it is the pure energy of LOVE, and to deny this, is to deny life. Sexual energy is beautiful and holy. It’s creativity, life, movement, passion and it’s an expression of our Divinity.

For thousands of years, women have been conditioned to live disempowered by being disconnected from their sexual energy and shamed for being Woman; sensual, wild, free and beautiful.

A woman connected to her sex energy is a powerful force! And so much has been done to suppress, control and silence this force. The Magdalenes are rising once again - not shamed, but seen as sacred. Sexual, spiritual, powerful, sensual, wise, compassionate, full of love and ever so beautiful.

Can you feel her?

Jasmine essential oil is an incredible medicine for balancing sacral chakra and aligning a woman with her sacred feminine essence.

Jasmine makes you feel so confident, and awakens the wise, wild woman. What a powerful guide she is, leading the way for true liberation!

“The womb is not a place to store fear or pain. The womb is a place to create and give birth to life”


Any Priestess connected to the lineages of Ancient Egypt knows Jasmine well, at a deep soul level. One of the ways I use Jasmine in my healing work is to help my women access past life information and remember the truth of who they are. Aroma is powerful in this way. It can unlock sacred memories from times past and activate ancient soul gifts and wisdom. 

Jasmine is my most used oil for working with the sacral chakra, supporting healing of the womb and uniting a woman with her beautiful sexual energy and her true Priestess nature.


Jasmine is deeply sacred to the Priestess. We honor her deeply.

When you first receive Jasmine, take a moment to inhale the aroma, sit in silence and connect with the medicine of this plant. Feel into what Jasmine is here to help you with, what wisdom is flowing from her to you, and what she would like you to know.

You can also ask how you should use this oil in a way that supports you the most at this time. 

As you continue working with Jasmine for healing purposes, it is wonderful to be intentional about it and connect with the oil on a deeper level. After applying the oil, you can simply set the intention to “receive whatever insight or wisdom she wish to share with you, or just open yourself up to receive what is meant to flow.

Follow your own intuition her, in connecting and working with this sacred oil. Trust yourself, and trust in what you hear.

Let this oil work her magic. Notice how are you called to use it, where on your body you are called to apply it. Trust in the oil and her powerful medicine. Trust in your connection to this oil.

After Jasmine has entered your life, you may just intuitively feel called to use this oil from time to time. It just calls you. Or your body calls for it. The more you work with it, the deeper your connection with it will be, and this oil becomes a powerful friend, support and alley.

Aromatic: Inhale from bottle, add 2-4 drops in your diffuser, or place a drop in your hands, rub them together and inhale. 

Topical: Dilute with a carrier oil and apply over womb, heart, and on pulse points (or anywhere else you feel called)

Jasmine is a gorgeous everyday perfume….

Anoint yourself daily with this Sacred Oil and awaken your Holy Presence and Queen self!

Note: Jasmine is also amazing to use for men to open and balance sacral chakra and heal wounds connected to sexuality.


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