Thank you for your interest in private mentoring with Marita

There are two spots available in August 2022 for Marita's private 40 day mentoring package.

This includes one private 90 minutes session and unlimited support via email/text for 40 days! Basically you get Marita as your personal support for 40 days. She will walk side by side with you during this time, offer your close and personal guidance, and be there for you.

When stepping into a mentoring journey with Marita, she will begin to receive downloads about your soul path and mission, current blockages and opportunities that she will share with you throughout your time together. She will guide you on daily practices and support your path of self-mastery.

Upon completion of the 40 days you also get a 60 minute follow-up session with guidance and suggestions for the way forward. This will also be sent to you in writing.

The cost of this mentoring package is $1111. The amount can either be paid in full or split in two monthly payments of $555.

To begin the booking process please take a moment to answer the following questions.